(1) | Make sure you followed the instructions on the email we sent you titled "OceanMedia Web Next Step To Approval - IMPORTANT". | (2) | Try a different browser. Here are the ones we recommend (all free): (a) Google Chrome (b) FireFox
| (3) | Make sure you are using the latest version of Internet Explorer (or Google Chrome or FireFox or Safari or whatever browser you prefer) as your web browser.. | (4) | Make sure you have javascript enabled in your browser. To do this, follow the easy instructions here. If clicking does not bring up a new window, use this link instead: here. | (5) | Internet Explorer From the Tools menu, select "Internet Options" and click the "Privacy" tab. Set the security level to "Medium," then click "Apply."
Mozilla Open the Edit menu and choose "Preferences." Under the "Privacy & Security" category, select "Cookies." If you don't see any subcategories listed, double-click "Privacy & Security" to show the entire list. Set your cookie preferences by selecting "Enable cookies based on privacy settings," and select a privacy level of "medium." If you still encounter errors, click "Tools," then "Cookie Manager," and select "Unblock Cookies from this Site."
Safari Select "Preferences" from the Safari menu and click "Security." To accept cookies from www.oceanmedia.net, select "Only from sites you navigate to."
| (6) | IE only: Tell your browser to see www.oceanmedia.net as a "trusted site". To do this, follow the easy instructions: Go to your Internet Explorer Security settings, click "Trusted Sites," then "Sites" and add www.oceanmedia.net. Still under the security settings, (make sure you select "trusted sites"), there is a lever you can pull down to change the security level for the zone. "Zone" refers to either Internet, Local Intranet, Trusted Sites, or Restricted Sites. So you need to select the "Trusted Sites" zone and then pull that security lever down to "medium". Restart your computer. If "medium" still doesn't do the trick then click "custom level" and you can further decrease security. No worries because this will only apply to sites you add to your "trusted sites" list.
| (7) | IE only: Go to your Internet Explorer Privacy settings, click "sites," and add www.oceanmedia.net to the list. If your version of Internet Explorer has a button "Advanced" go ahead and click it and check the "override automatic cookie handling" and for "First-party Cookies" put "accept" and for "Third-party Cookies" put "Prompt". Also very important to check "Always allow session cookies".