Log in to your site so that you see [edit this page] at the top of pages on your web site. If you don't have a link to "sign in" or "admin menu" go to yourDomainName.com/s.asp
Fix Your PDF's File Name: Remove all characters that are not numbers or letters. This includes spaces. Underscores and dashes are okay. I usually name files something like, "20100922_filename.pdf" <-- notice the first 8 characters are the date?
Go to ADMIN MENU --> MANAGE FILES --> IMAGES and DOCUMENTS FOLDERS (this brings up a new window)
VERY IMPORTANT: at top the dropdown says "Images" by default. Change it to say "Documents" so you can use the documents folder.
Click the BROWSE button near the bottom. Browse your hard drive and select the PDF. Click the OPEN button. Click the UPLOAD button. Give the file time to upload. Click OK.
Now to refer to your file from your web site.
Pick a page. Click [edit page].
Highlight a word or image you want to be your link. Click the hyperlink button which looks like a chain link.
Under Source, in the second box, type, "/documents/my_file_name.pdf"
Under Target, in the second box, a dropdown, choose "Blank". What this does is causes the PDF to come up in it's own window when a user clicks the link.