specifically about your company! We use these commercials as part of our "three-pronged attack" to make your site more popular. You can see examples of our
This is not adwords over on the side of the page. This is organic search results on the left! We will make very specific changes to your site and changes to many other sites we work with, which will cause an increase in your site popularity with Google's search engine ranking system.
What we need from you
(1) Short company description, between 200 and 500 words, optional one- to two- sentence bio, and ten phrases you imagine people typing into a search engine to find you. Most often these phrases represent the services you offer. Leave the name of your City out of these phrases as it will be assumed. Our guarantee is that at least one of your phrases will hit page one and at least one more will hit page two of Google Maps search results!
(2) Payment to get started.
How do we do it?
We are combining traditional, non-traditional, and leveraging all the sites we host to net a massive increase in site popularity! NO BLACK HAT METHODS ARE USED so your site is not in danger of being black listed by Google. Very important!
Notes(1) If you choose to stop, your web site will still retain the benefits of the changes we have made to your web site so your overall Google rank will be higher than ever before but your ranking will probably drop at some point in Google's search results.
(2) There are additional things you can do to increase this ranking even more: publish blogs or write articles about your product(s)/service(s) and send them to us, publish videos to YouTube, get other businesses to put links to your web site on theirs, etc.
(3) If the amount is outside your budget, talk to us. We can scale this service to meet your budget, especially if you want to write (and/or distribute) articles about your product/service, which saves us time in writing them.
Online advertising in this manner is the most effective, targeted way to spend your advertising money. Offline advertising is the way that most business owners built their businesses from the ground up for decades. Whether they chose phone book advertisements, direct mail, door hangers or coupon envelopes, business owners spent thousands of dollars, year after year hoping that of the people reading their advertisement, maybe 1 in 100 would need their service and give them a call. Now, imagine if every single person reading that advertisement was in the market for your service.
We are a one stop online advertising (SEO & SEM) solution for all your online marketing needs. Our commitment to you is to brand your business online - and increase your visibility in front of your local customers. You need them to call you instead of your competitors. We place yourweb site right in front of customers looking for your services.