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PCI Security Standards Compliance

OceanMedia's HotKey meets the following Payment Application DSS Requirements:
N/A1 Do not retain full magnetic stripe, card verification code or value (CAV2, CID, CVC2, CVV2), or PIN block data.Transactions occur electronically over the Internet, with no physical card.
N/A2Protect stored cardholder data.Card type, Card number, Card expiration date, and Card CVV2 code are never stored.
3Provide secure authentication features.Users are required to sign in securely before transaction occurs.
4Log payment application activity.HotKey stores purchase date, time, and verification response in database tables.
5Develop secure payment applications.The payment module of HotKey was developed to comply with PCI DSS and PA-DSS and based on industry best practices.
N/A6Protect wireless transmissions.Wireless is not used.
7Test payment applications to address vulnerabilities.This same system is used for multiple e-commerce web sites since 2004.
8Facilitate secure network implementation.HTTPS is used to securely transmit data.
9Cardholder data must never be stored on a server connected to the Internet.Card type, Card number, Card expiration date, and Card CVV2 code are never stored.
10Facilitate secure remote access to payment application.HTTPS is used to securely transmit data.
11Encrypt sensitive traffic over public networks.HTTPS is used to securely transmit data.
12Encrypt all non-console administrative access.HTTPS is used to securely transmit data.
13Maintain instructional documentation and training programs for customers, resellers, and integrators.User guide.

based in Austin, Texas site map Contact us for a free estimate now.